
These are suggested tips for maintaining your site ongoing:

Weekly Items

  • Login to your site.
  • Run a backup.
  • Updates to plugins and theme.
  • Test functionality for editing pages and posts, and other functions.
  • Test forms.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

After Launch

  • License all plugins that require it.
  • Check SEO settings and update your site index.
  • Check all content and links.
  • Test all functionality.

Monthly Items

  • Copy a backup of your site to a safe place.
  • Review traffic analytics.
  • Review Tools > Site Health.

Quarterly Items

  • Review your site’s main pages for accessibility with the WAVE tool.

Yearly Items

  • Audit your security.
  • Audit your accessibility.