Rudy’s Story

When Joe and Mary took a trip to Montana two month’s before their baby’s due date, they had no idea their son would be arriving early. Mary’s water broke shortly after they saw Old Faithful erupt and the family was rushed, ambulance to ambulance to single engine airplane, from Montana to Salt Lake City. 

Little Rudy needed some help breathing in the NICU while his parents got in touch with the Ronald McDonald House in Salt Lake City to find a place to stay far from their Chicago home. Imagine their surprise when they saw a plaque at the house bearing the name of Joe’s aunt Mary Tolan, a wonderful longtime donor to RMHC of the Intermountain Area! 

So many donors give because they know our cause matters, helping the families of seriously ill or injured children. But what a small world—Mary Tolan’s gifts directly impacted her own family members, something she never imagined would happen.
